PSR: J2204+2700 Basename: 4bit_puppi_58302_Strip26_0308.0001 Gaussian file: J2204+2700.gauss Pfd file: 4bit_puppi_58302_Strip26_0308.0001_PSR_2204+2700_nosearch_84.70ms_Cand.pfd Time-of-arrival command used to make the phase reference: -n 1 -d 35.074 -g J2204+2700.gauss 4bit_puppi_58302_Strip26_0308.0001_PSR_2204+2700_nosearch_84.70ms_Cand.pfd Time-of-arrival in .tim format (site id, freq_MHz, MJD, toaerr_us): 3 326.988 58302.3246536678190 176.22 To align folded pulse profiles made from other data of J2204+2700 with *template.zerophase or *bestprof.zerophase in this directory, use this phase reference in your .par file: TZRSITE ao TZRFRQ 326.988 TZRMJD 58302.3246536678190