The Arecibo AO327 Drift Pulsar Survey Pulse Profile Catalog:
File Descriptions

The AO327 Pulse Profile Catalog paper

The AO327 Pulse Profile Catalog online

At the top level in the catalog file tree, there is a directory for each detected pulsar. One level down there is a sub-directory for each separate detection with a name following the format: 4bit_puppi_[MJD]_Strip[Strip #]_[Raw File #]_D[HHMMSS+/-DDMM]. The coordinates following 'D' are the right ascension and declination of the middle of the data chunk extracted for that pulsar detection. Here we list the file types contained in each detection sub-directory:

*.fits : The data chunk extracted for this pulsar detection, in 4-bit PSRFITS format.

*rfifind.mask : RFI mask made by rfifind in binary format.

* : PostScript image of the RFI mask.

*rfifind.inf : Header information for the RFI mask in ASCII format.

*rfifind.bytemask/.rfi/.stats : Diagnostics for the RFI mask in a binary format compatible with PRESTO executables.

*[PSR name].dat : Dedispersed time series in binary float format made with the ATNF DM or the better AO327 DM value from Table 1, if the latter exists for the pulsar. This file is typically used with its corresponding *.inf file, listed next.

*[PSR name].inf : Header information of the dedispersed time series in ASCII format. This file is typically used in conjunction with its corresponding *.dat file above.

*.pfd : Binary file made by prepfold containing diagnostics in a format compatible with PRESTO executables.

* : A PostScript and a PNG image of the diagnostics contained in the corresponding *.pfd file.

*.pfd.bestprof : Folded pulse profile in ASCII format; pulse phase relative to the start of the observation.

*.pfd.bestprof.zerophase : Folded pulse profile in ASCII format rotated to absolute pulse phase according to the procedure described in Section 5.2. This pulse profile can be aligned with other folded pulse profiles by using the absolute phase reference provided in the corresponding *phaseref.txt file (described below).

[PSR name].gauss : Analytical single- or multi-peaked Gaussian pulse template in ASCII format made by

[PSR name].gauss.template.zerophase : Binned pulse profile template in ASCII format made by evaluating the corresponding analytical [PSR name].gauss template and then rotating it with according to the procedure described in Section 5.2.

*phaseref.txt : ASCII text file listing the command used to calculate the absolute phase reference, and the phase reference itself in the form of a TOA as well as TZRSITE/TZRFRQ/TZRMJD parameters that can be used with an existing pulsar ephemeris to align folded pulse profiles from other data with the AO327 folded pulse profile from the corresponding *pfd.bestprof.zerophase file.

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